Web Sheet

An overview of using the websheets

The websheet has been created to make character management and rolling much more user friendly and convenient.

Once you have logged into the website you will be able to create a new websheet from the Dashboard. Once created you will be greeted with the following screen:

For those of you familiar with character creation already, most of this will seem familiar. But we will deep dive into the features that differ from other styles of sheets.

Sheets are currently in Early Access and are still being actively worked on. They are currently not considered feature complete.

Control Panel

The control panel is where you get access to the main sheet controls. The control panel currently contains the

  1. Sheet Sync Status

  2. Edit Sheet button

  3. Sheet News

  4. Delete Button

Sync Status

The sync status shows what state your sheet is in, in relation to the database. The blue cloud indicates that your sheet is successfully synced with the database. Hovering over the sync status will show you what the current status is.

When an update is made to the sheet you will get an orange loading status to indicate the sheet communicating with the database.

If the sheet successfully updates then the status will turn green and after a few moments will return to the blue synced.

If the update failed the status will turn red. This will usually be accompanied with an Error popup message that tells you what went wrong as well as highlighting the box that caused the error.

Edit Sheet Button

The edit sheet button allows you to enter the Edit mode of the sheet or if already in edit mode to return to view mode.

Delete Sheet

The Delete sheet button as the name implies, allows you to delete your sheet. You will be given a confirmation message should you click the button just to confirm you actually want to do that.

Deleting a sheet is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Editing the Sheet

The sheet comes in two modes, View mode and Edit mode. While in view mode you can actively look over your sheet details without worrying about changing anything by accident.

There a few items that can be edited in view mode such as:

  • Hunger

  • Damage

  • Humanity

  • Notes

As these things can change frequently it was would have been a hassle to enter edit mode every time to change these.

For the rest of the sheet to edit it you need to press the Edit Sheet Button located on the Control Panel. This will unlock your sheet to allow the various fields to be edited.

Damage Trackers

To edit your damage trackers and humanity you can click on the name which will bring up a context menu with options for the current tracker.

If the sheet is in View mode you will be able to adjust your damage via the buttons provided. When you swap to Edit mode the sheet will allow you to adjust the total amount of the tracker.

The sheet will actively update both your total health and total willpower based on your Attributes so you will only need to adjust your total amounts when you take something such as fortitude which changes the amount.

Bot Commands

Sheets can be used in conjunction with the bots to make rolling and other bot features easier. Commands that make use of sheet data are:

Last updated