
A brief overview of the Admin features available

Both the Bots and Website come built in with features to make managing a game easier for the Admins and Storytellers of a game and server.


Perhaps the best tool the website provides for managing games is the Website Dashboard. Located at the homepage of the website when logged in, the page allows you to see all character trackers and sheets connected to your discord server. This page updates in real time as players update their sheets and trackers allowing you to keep track of what is happening in your game.

The website also allows for the creation of Character sheets. These sheets allow for Admin/Storytellers to view these sheets in full.

Sheets are currently in Early Access and only available to Vampire 5th edition.


Admins and Storytellers have extended permissions in the bots and website to manage their games. These permission allows them to view every character in their server as well as delete characters out of their server and even update other players characters using the tracker commands.

/server storytellers

Sometimes the Storytellers in your server are not Server Admins. In this case the bots offer the command /server storytellers which allows you to set a role as a storyteller.

/server tracker

This command allows an admin/storyteller to set a channel within their server to show real time updates to character trackers.

The tracker channel only pushes updates that happen from the bot side. Such as through /vampire update or updates to trackers through rolling. It does not push updates made from the website such as to a character sheet. For this reason it is recommended to use the Website Dashboard if you are using character sheets.

/character find

As an admin/storyteller if you include the @player option when using this command you can find other players characters

The Website Dashboard shows all characters in real time so it is a much more powerful tool for viewing or deleting characters.

/character delete

As an admin/storyteller if you include the @player option when using this command you can delete other players characters from your server.

If you are deleting another players character either through the bots or the website, it will merely remove the character from your server rather then actually deleting the character from the database.

/spat update

As an admin/storyteller if you include the @player option when using this command you can update another players character for them.

Last updated