Slash Commands

How to use slash commands

To start using Discords slash commands start typing / into a channel and you should see a popup with a list of all available commands you can use in this channel, as well as descriptions of what they do. To use the command you can either scroll through the list and click on the on the command or you can continue typing to filter the list down further making it easier to find the command you want.

To use commands without a mount, you can press the tab key to select a highlighted command and Enter to send the command. You can also use arrow keys to move between commands.

Command Options

Sometimes a command will need to know to be able to carry out the requested action, this is where options come in. Options come as either Required or Optional as the names suggest if it is required you will have to provide the additional info or Discord will not allow you to send the command.

Options come in a variety of forms from number options to User/Channel inputs, and Discord will provide helpful feedback on what should go in the option as well as a description set by the bot maker.

Do not worry if you make a mistake as Discord will highlight the option in red if you input the wrong thing.

A handy tip to get through options quickly is using tab to select any option that is highlighted and the arrow keys to move between them.

Server Admins

As a server admin you might be saying to yourself "Hang on I don't want all these commands being spammed in my general chat". It is a completely valid thought and thankfully Discord has a way to set which members can use which commands and where. Navigate to your Server Settings panel, then select the Integrations tab, and finally "Manage" on the bot you wish to edit. Once there you will see a section that looks like this:

This panel will allow you to change the permissions via roles and or channels. You can do this for every command using the top two tabs, or each individual command by clicking on the specified command in the last tab. As an example, if I only wanted people to use these commands in the #bot-spam channel, I could click the X on # All Channels and then click Add Channels, add the #bot-spam channel and allow command use in that channel.

Once you apply your changes the slash commands will only be visible when you try and use them in #bot-spam

Any one with "Admin" Permissions in a server will be able to see and use any command from any channel. So do not worry if you can still see the commands after you apply your changes, they are only visible to you.

Additional Info

Last updated