Website Dashboard

An overview of how to use the websites dashboard


To start using the websites built in dashboard you will need to navigate to the website and make sure you log in.

To make things easy the website uses Discord to log you in so you will not need to worry about creating an account with us.

We do not have access to your discord credentials, that is strictly kept between you and Discord. Discord will however tell us what email address you used to make your Discord account.

Once you are logged in you will be greeted with the character dashboard as pictured above. The Dashboard will display all Character Sheets and Trackers Cards you are able to view. This includes other players Sheets/Tracker Cards if you are an Admin or Storyteller on that server.


The dashboard has a number of filters to help you find what you are looking for. You can use one or more filters at the same time depending on your needs.

Chronicles Filter

The chronicles filter allows you to display only the characters on the server you specify. If none exist it will just show a "No characters Found" notification.

Splats Filter

The splats filter allows you to show only the chosen splats from a list. To make things easier it will only display splats that you can already see, and you can select multiple if needed.

Storyteller Mode

When selected Storyteller mode will display other players Sheets/Trackers if you have permission to view them, such as by being and Admin/Storyteller of a server.

Sort By

The Sort by allows you to sort characters by either Name or Last updated time. By default it is set to last updated.


Dashboard Cards are the snapshot of the bot trackers and web sheets so you can easily see the most important information at a glance.

Character Name

The characters name is displayed in gold at the top of the Card.

User Name

The users display name or server nickname is displayed directly below the characters name.


The characters picture is displayed next if available. Otherwise a default image is shown.

Character images can only be set by Supporters.

Card Info

The card info will depend on the Character splat. For example a Vampire 5th as shown above will include Willpower, Health, Humanity and Hunger.

Card Options

These are helpful buttons that allow you to perform quick actions on the sheet/tracker. Currently the only option is to "Delete" but more will be added in the future.


To create a new sheet you can press the purple "New Sheet" Button next to the filters tab.

Web Sheets are currently in Early access and only available to Vampire 5th edition.

Sheets show up in the dashboard along side the Trackers made from the bots. You can easily identify the sheets by the gold boarder.

Unlike trackers you can also click on a sheet card which will take you to the full sheet page. To learn more about sheet pages click here!

Real Time Updates

The website was made with the intention to make it as easy as possible to track changes to sheets and trackers. To facilitate this both the Dashboard and Sheets pages fully real time. This means that as updates happen from other users on either the website or bots your page will update automatically without you needing to refresh the page.

As the name suggests real time updates happen in real time and have no delay from when a sheet/tracker is updated to when you page updates.

Last updated